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Cutting through heavy duty and ultra-hard construction
materials can be extremely difficult, if not next to impossible, if you don't
have the right tools. has a wide selection of dry drilling
tools and parts, including diamond
drill bits, diamond core bits and concrete coring bits that will fit a
variety of applications.
Here you will find product descriptions and
specifications, including length, diameter and recommended applications.
Air-cooled diamond
core bits have the ability to complete the job faster while avoiding
spawling of concrete. Dry cutting core bits operate best when used with an
angle grinder, but will also work with any rotary drill. Adapters for use with
rotary drills are available. All diamond drill bits we sell are either supreme
or premium grade, meaning you will receive a quality drill bit for your money.
Selecting the right concrete
coring bits can be confusing. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to
guide you and explain the differences amongst products. Take a look at our
product pages to find the items that will fit your needs.
 Premium Grade
Segment Height 7mm D
Applications Masonry, Brick, Light Weight Block, Concrete Block
Equipment Electric Core Drill
Conditions Dry
 Grade Premium
Segment Height 7mm D
Applications Masonry, Brick, Light Weight Block, Concrete Block
Equipment Electric Core Drill
Conditions Dry
 Dry Diamond bit adapters for many drill types. Adapters can also accept pilot drills for easy hole starts.